The Difference Between Hurricane Windows and Impact Windows What Florida Homeowners Need to Know

As Florida homeowners, we’re all too familiar with the annual hurricane season and the havoc it can wreak on our homes. With the Atlantic Ocean sending storm after storm our way, the decision to fortify our homes with the right windows is not just about aesthetics—it’s a matter of safety and security. Whether you’re renovating or building a new home, choosing the right windows to withstand Florida’s unpredictable weather is crucial.

One question that often arises during this process is: What is the difference between hurricane windows and impact windows? Though the terms are frequently used interchangeably, they refer to two distinct products. Understanding their differences can help you make an informed decision that best suits your needs.

Understanding Hurricane Windows

Hurricane windows, sometimes referred to as storm windows, are designed to protect homes from high winds and flying debris associated with hurricanes. They are built with layers of glass and a robust frame to provide the necessary strength.

Key Features of Hurricane Windows:

  1. Laminated Glass: Typically constructed with multiple layers of glass bonded together with a layer of polyvinyl butyral (PVB) or ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA). This helps the glass stay intact even when shattered.
  2. Reinforced Frames: Made from materials like vinyl, aluminum, or wood, which are reinforced to handle the impact of debris and high winds.
  3. Impact Resistance: Tested to meet specific standards to ensure they can withstand flying debris during a storm.

Benefits of Hurricane Windows:

  • Enhanced Safety: The laminated glass helps prevent injuries from broken glass during a storm.
  • Energy Efficiency: Excellent insulation keeps homes cooler in summer and warmer in winter.
  • Noise Reduction: Multi-layered construction helps reduce outside noise.
  • UV Protection: Blocks up to 99% of harmful UV rays, protecting your home’s interior.

To give you a clearer picture, let’s explore some real data and case studies involving hurricane windows in Florida.

Case Study: Tampa Residential Property

In Tampa, a homeowner decided to upgrade their windows to hurricane-resistant models before the 2018 hurricane season. The immediate benefits included a noticeable reduction in energy bills and a significant decrease in outside noise. This made the indoor environment more comfortable and quiet, a welcome change for the family living there. During Hurricane Michael, the hurricane windows proved their worth. While some minor damage occurred from flying debris, the windows remained intact, preventing what could have been much more significant damage and costly repairs.

Understanding Impact Windows

Impact windows are the heavy-duty guardians of your home. Engineered to endure the harshest conditions, they are the gold standard in window protection against hurricanes and severe storms.

Key Features of Impact Windows:

  1. Laminated and Tempered Glass: These windows often use a combination of laminated and tempered glass. Tempered glass undergoes heat treatment to enhance its strength, offering an additional layer of protection.
  2. Heavy-Duty Frames: The frames of impact windows are designed to be robust, using materials like reinforced vinyl, aluminum, or wood to hold the glass firmly in place.
  3. Higher Testing Standards: Impact windows are subjected to rigorous testing, including withstanding the force of a 9-pound 2×4 plank traveling at 34 miles per hour, simulating the type of debris that hurricanes can generate.

Benefits of Impact Windows:

  • Superior Protection: With higher impact resistance, these windows offer the best defense against flying debris and high winds, minimizing structural damage.
  • Insurance Premium Discounts: Many insurance companies recognize the reduced risk and offer significant discounts on premiums for homes with impact windows.
  • Increased Home Value: Installing impact windows can boost your home’s resale value, appealing to safety-conscious buyers.
  • Enhanced Security: The strength of impact windows also provides excellent deterrence against break-ins and burglaries.

Let’s look at a real-world example to understand the impact of these windows.

Case Study: Sarasota Homeowner

A Sarasota homeowner decided to install impact windows throughout their property. This decision proved to be a wise investment during Hurricane Irma in 2017. The property sustained minimal damage compared to neighboring homes that still had standard windows. The impact windows successfully blocked debris and withstood high winds, which saved the homeowner thousands of dollars in potential repairs and ensured the safety of the occupants.

Key Differences Between Hurricane Windows and Impact Windows

While both types of windows offer significant protection, there are notable differences:

  1. Level of Protection:
    • Hurricane Windows: Provide good protection but may not meet the highest impact resistance standards.
    • Impact Windows: Offer superior protection with higher impact resistance.

  2. Testing Standards:
    • Hurricane Windows: Meet basic impact resistance standards.
    • Impact Windows: Undergo more rigorous testing for extreme conditions.

  3. Cost:
    • Hurricane Windows: Generally more affordable.
    • Impact Windows: Higher initial cost but offer long-term benefits.

  4. Insurance Premium Discounts:
    • Hurricane Windows: May qualify for some discounts.
    • Impact Windows: Often qualify for larger discounts due to higher protection.

Detailed Analysis: Cost vs. Benefits

Cost Considerations:

While hurricane windows are generally more affordable upfront, impact windows represent a higher initial investment. However, the enhanced protection offered by impact windows can lead to significant long-term savings, especially in a high-risk area like Florida. For instance, homes equipped with impact windows can often enjoy substantial insurance premium reductions. According to the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS), homeowners with impact windows can see reductions ranging from 10% to 45%, depending on their insurance provider and location.

Long-Term Benefits:

The higher initial cost of impact windows is often balanced by the long-term benefits. These include not only the potential insurance savings but also the peace of mind that comes with knowing your home is better protected against severe weather. Additionally, impact windows can significantly increase the resale value of your home. Buyers in hurricane-prone areas are often willing to pay a premium for homes that offer superior storm protection.

Energy Efficiency and Environmental Impact

Both hurricane and impact windows contribute to energy efficiency, which is particularly important in Florida’s hot and humid climate. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, energy-efficient windows can reduce energy bills by up to 15%. This reduction can be significant over time, particularly during the peak cooling months.

Energy Efficiency Data:

  • Hurricane Windows: These windows provide excellent insulation, which helps maintain a consistent indoor temperature. This can lead to reduced reliance on air conditioning, lowering your energy bills.

  • Impact Windows: Similarly, impact windows offer superior insulation properties. Their multi-layered glass design not only enhances protection but also improves thermal efficiency, helping keep your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.

Environmental Impact:

By improving energy efficiency, both types of windows contribute to a reduced carbon footprint. Lower energy consumption means fewer greenhouse gas emissions, which is a positive step towards environmental sustainability.

Enhanced Security and Peace of Mind

Both hurricane and impact windows offer enhanced security features that go beyond storm protection. Their robust construction makes them highly resistant to forced entry, providing an added layer of security against break-ins and burglaries.

Security Features:

  • Hurricane Windows: While primarily designed for storm protection, the reinforced glass and frames also deter potential intruders.
  • Impact Windows: The superior strength of impact windows makes them even more effective at preventing break-ins. Their construction makes it extremely difficult for anyone to penetrate the glass and gain entry to your home.

Installation and Maintenance

The installation process for both hurricane and impact windows is relatively straightforward but should always be carried out by professionals to ensure optimal performance and safety.

Installation Process:

  • Hurricane Windows: Typically involves removing the existing windows, preparing the openings, and installing the new reinforced frames and glass. Professional installation ensures that the windows meet all safety and performance standards.
  • Impact Windows: Similar to hurricane windows, the installation of impact windows requires precision and expertise. The process includes ensuring that the frames are securely attached to the building structure to maximize their protective capabilities.


Both types of windows are designed to be low-maintenance. Regular cleaning and periodic inspections are usually sufficient to keep them in good working condition.

  • Cleaning: Use mild soap and water to clean the glass and frames. Avoid harsh chemicals that could damage the materials.
  • Inspections: Check for any signs of wear or damage, especially after a storm. Ensure that the seals and frames are intact and that there are no cracks in the glass.

Choosing the Right Window for Your Florida Home

When deciding between hurricane and impact windows for your Florida home, consider these factors:

  1. Budget:
    • Hurricane Windows: More budget-friendly but impact windows offer long-term savings.
  2. Level of Protection:
    • Impact Windows: Best for maximum protection against severe weather.
  3. Insurance Premium Savings:
    • Impact Windows: Qualify for substantial insurance discounts.
  4. Resale Value:
    • Impact Windows: Increase your home’s resale value.

Choosing the right windows for your Florida home is a critical decision. While both hurricane and impact windows offer significant benefits, impact windows provide superior protection, higher insurance discounts, and increased home value.

Understanding the differences between these window types and considering real data and case studies will help you make an informed decision. Investing in high-quality windows not only protects your home but also offers peace of mind during hurricane season, ensuring your family and property remain safe.

By taking into account the costs, long-term benefits, energy efficiency, security features, and installation processes, you can choose the window type that best meets your needs. Whether you opt for hurricane or impact windows, you are making a wise investment in the safety and security of your home.

Mike Cvetetic

July 23, 2024

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